Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Enable Search Description Or Meta Tag Description Setting For Blogger

As you might know blogger recently changed its old interface to completely a new one, and blogger team added some most awaited new features to its new interface including dynamic meta description tag for both home page and individual posts. Before these changes, we were facing issues while adding descriptions separately for Home page and single posts. Because blogger used to only include the home page's description in the source code, and there wasn't any description for single posts. And WordPress had these all features for years. Therefore, blogger team was working for years to make blogger more SEO friendly. Now we can optimize our blog's home page and single posts by adding unique meta descriptions.

But as usual, you'll have to make settings in order to make everything works fine. So today's post will guide you how to make a correct setting for both meta description tag for home page and for single posts. By default the dynamic meta description tag is disabled in blogger, so we will enable it and after that we will be able to make further setting, but one thing should be kept in mind that these meta tags are just for search engines' bots not for human visitors. These will be shown only in the source code of the blog and won't be shown on blog. Now let's start the procedure.

How to Enable meta description tag in Blogger for home page?

  • Go to Blogger
  • Setting >> Search preferences
  • Click on Edit >> Yes >> Write a description for your blog's home page and the description must be under 150 characters, above 150 characters is not allowed, see below pictures
Enable Search Description Or Meta Tag Description Setting For Blogger

Enable Search Description Or Meta Tag Description Setting For Blogger

There are two screen shoots above, in the first one the meta description for blog home page was by default disabled, so you'd enable it and after that you'll write a description for maximum 150 characters for your blog's home page. Adding more than 150 characters may harm your blog. After adding description just click on save changes. 

Now if you're using a default blogger template then you can easily find the meta description tag in the source code, as I already told you that it is not for human visitors but only for search engines. So you can just right click on your blog's home page and click on source code, so you can find the meta description for your blog in the source code..

But one thing is to make sure that if you're using a custom blogger template then you might not find the description in the source code, because mostly custom blogger  templates are using the old static blogger meta tag. So to avoid this and show the dynamic tag provided by blogger, you must add a piece of XML code to your template to make things in order. Here is how?

  1. Blogger >> Template >> HTML >> Proceed
  2. Now find <head> tag in your template and just after/below it paste following code
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>

Save your template and you've done it for custom templates as well. Now once again check your blog's home page source code and this time you'll find meta description for your blog.

Adding meta description to single posts?

Now when you've enabled the meta description option in Blogger Setting >> Search Preferences, you will find an additional feature at right side of the post editor when you write a new post for your blog, see below image for example:

Enable Search Description Or Meta Tag Description Setting For Blogger

At the right side of your post body you can see a box for Search Description, so now you can easily add search description for each of your blog's new posts. Also if you've time then update the older posts and add up to 150 letters to each post. However, this option won't be there until you enable the meta description from the Search Preferences page under the setting page.

Remember, the description you add to every new post should be different than post title and should have a brief summary about the post. If you use this feature correctly then chances are higher to get first position in search results pages.

Leave a comment below the post if you've further questions, and always respect others in the world.
Provided You By: SAHI SOFT

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